


Loss 10 pounds in 10 days

Fast weight loss is difficult for most people, because it requires you to change your lifestyle drastically. With calorie restriction, nutritious food and 1 or more hours of exercise per day, you can lose 10 lbs. in 10 days. Visit your doctor if you have any health concerns.
Fast weight loss requires a commitment to health, or you can find yourself becoming ill, malnourished and tired. Start taking a multi-vitamin. This may help enhance your diet. Continue taking it after 10 days.
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5 Exercises to tone your legs fast

Leg Swings : A great warmup move, this also works the inner thighs. Stand with the feet together, arms out wide. Raise your right leg out to the side, balancing on your left foot. Swing the right leg in front of the left, and then swing it back out to the side. Complete three sets of 10 to 12 reps, and then repeat with the left leg.
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Work out those thighs and get ready for summer

If you’ve been aching for lean legs and toned inner thighs, then this is the article for you. A collection of nearly 60 muscle-sculpting moves to work all areas of the thighs (and more!) will be more than enough to get you well on your way to those gorgeous gams you’ve been envisioning. Beginners should create a sequence of the moves below and complete three sets of 10-15 reps.
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Top six tips to reduce belly fat

Sugar is half glucose, half fructose… and fructose can only be metabolized by the liver in any significant amount .When you eat a lot of refined sugar, the liver gets flooded with fructose, and is forced to turn it all into fat. Numerous studies have shown that excess sugar, mostly due to the large amounts of fructose, can lead to increased accumulation of fat in the belly. 
Eating More Protein May be The Best Long-Term Strategy to Reduce Belly Fat. Protein is the most important macronutrient when it comes to losing weight . It has been shown to reduce cravings by 60%, boost metabolism by 80-100 calories per day and help you eat up to 441 fewer calories per day. Click on link to see more
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10 Ways to use coconut oil for beautiful skin and hair

Remove stubborn eye makeup gently: Dab a little coconut oil on a cotton ball or makeup pad and wipe around your eyes or on skin until clean. Be sure to rinse your face afterward.Coconut oil contains lauric acid, which kills odor-causing bacteria. Dab a little oil under your armpits to stay fresh (and smell good) all day. You can also try making your own. 
Use coconut oil as an eye cream to minimize the appearance of wrinkles and keep skin looking smooth. Coconut oil also encourages the production of collagen, which some find key to a ....... Click to find out more
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24 Ways to flatten your belly

Yoga is the best form of physical workout that helps to reduce the abdominal fat, controlling both your mind and body. It also has a long term effect. Instead of catching up with friends over food and drinks, suggest a reunion on the move. You’re likely to work out 104% harder if you have an exercise buddy. Suggest a weekly walk-and-talk session, form a friendly fitness club, or try a new class at the gym together.

If you want to burn the most belly fat, a Duke University study confirms that aerobic exercise is the most effective in burning that deep, visceral belly fat. In fact, aerobic training burns 67% more calories.... click on link to see more
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40 no diet weight loss tips

Studies found that people who keep food diaries wind up eating about 15 percent less food than those who don’t. Watch out for weekends: A University of North Carolina study found people tend to consume an extra 115 calories per weekend day, primarily from alcohol and fat. Then cut out or down calories from spreads, dressings, sauces, condiments, drinks, and snacks; they could make the difference between weight gain and loss.
If you think you’re consuming 1,700 calories a day and don’t understand why you’re not losing weight, add another 170 calories to your guesstimate. Chances are, the new number is more accurate. Adjust your eating habits accordingly... click on link to see more
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10 tips to reduce lower belly fat

To get rid of the lower belly fat, keep the calories in a healthy range and avoid foods that are high in saturated fats. Avoid eating junk and include high fiber foods in your diet to keep your metabolism levels high.
Stress can cause an increase in cortisol, a hormone that encourages the body to store excess fat in the lower abdomen. It can get worse if combined with bad dieting. To keep the cortisol levels stable, choose low glycemic index foods like lentils, chickpeas and beans.
Green tea is an excellent beverage to reduce lower belly. It contains a compound called catechin, which boosts the metabolism. Several studies have concluded that, people who drank 2 cups of green tea on a daily basis, lost almost 16 times more visceral fat than those who did not.... Click on link to see more
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How to lose weight in 7 days

All those 21st century fixtures of a comfy kitchen, like the computer, the kitchen TV, and the kitchen couches? They're making us pampered—and fat. It's simple: "The more you just hang out in your kitchen, the more you'll eat," says Wansink. So if you want to lounge, head to the living room.
Stash your Cheerios out of sight.

No matter how minute your cabinet space or how kid-friendly your kitchen, cereal boxes should always be stashed out of sight and never on your countertops. Why? Because if you have even one box of cereal on your counter, you're likely to... click on link to see more
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10 stylish hairstyles for long thin hair

I chose 20 trending hairstyles and showed them to over 50 men. I asked the guys to choose their top five favorite styles based solely on hairstyle, not the female or color of the hair – even though they all made sure to say how hard it was not to check out these hot women!

Long beautiful warm golden blonde hair should not be hidden in a ponytail or under a hat all the time. Bust it out and show it off in loose wavy curls that are the envy of all who see you. 
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3 Easy Overnight Hair Tricks

It’s often the undone, messy styles that take the longest to create. But not with this trick! To wake up with perfect waves, put damp hair into braids before bed. Keep in mind – the smaller the braid, the tighter the wave will be. If your hair is thick, do two braids to ensure all over texture. 
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Fake It Until You Make It: Frizz-Free Hair

Through all of our handy beauty products, we enhance and improve upon our features that we were born with, and play up the ones that we wish had a bit more prominence.
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All natural way to get super white teeth

Worldwide, billions of dollars are spend on teeth whitening products. All that money spend just to achieve a different shade. Beside teeth whitening products, there are many treatments performed in dental offices. 
Unfortunately, these kind of treatments don’t have only satisfactory results: teeth pain can be caused or the protective enamel can be affected.There are also natural treatments that can provide the wanted results when it comes to teeth whitening. Below you can find 3 such natural treatments. click to read more
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10 tummy tightening foods

Oats with Cinnamon: Oats are a great start to your day. They will help keep you full while the cinnamon has natural thermionic properties, increasing your metabolism.
Grapefruit: Grapefruit helps lower insulin levels, which promotes weight loss and a fast metabolism.Red Peppers: Peppers contain capsaicin to help you to burn that stubborn fat... click on link to see more
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4 tips to achieve the perfect hourglass body shape

For women there are a huge variety of body shapes, but the hourglass body shape stands out. It screams classic femininity. This look isn't about luck, it's the result of the hormones that make a woman a woman, combined with being fit and in shape, literally.
High heels are the perfect accompaniment to an hourglass figure. They make the legs appear longer and more toned while also lifting the butt. They improve posture and allow women to stand up tall and be confident, while also providing a sexy wiggle .... click on link to find out more
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21 Ways to lose ten pounds in a week

Losing 10 pounds in 7 days is a very difficult, but not impossible, thing to do. With the right motivation, diet, and exercise, it can be achieved! Read on for a detailed plan on how to shed those pounds in 7 days. If you can't do it in 7 days make another goal and push it to 10 days. By losing weight, you'll also feel much better
Take in fewer calories than you burn in a day. That's the whole secret to weight loss. And while the theory may be simple, the practice is really hard. It takes 3,500 calories to burn a pound. This means that you need to burn 3,500 calories more than you take in with food... click to find out more. Click on source link to read full article

The 6 best exercises for weight loss

There’s no getting around the fact that in order to lose weight safely and permanently, you need to eat healthy food and get plenty of exercise. Exercising burns calories and builds muscle, which is essential for increasing your metabolism so that you can burn even more calories and lose more weight.
So dust off those workout clothes and pick one of these nine best exercises for weight loss to get started today on your path to a slimmer, healthier you.
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9 Moves to shrink your muffin top

Diet is a huge factor. It’s time to put down those sugary drinks (even the diet kind), and replace them with water. Trade in your chips and candy for veggies and fruit.
Hit the cardio for 30 minutes a day three times a week and give these nine killer abdominal workouts a try. These moves target your core and get your heart rate up to help burn those dreaded calorie bugs!.. click to find more Click on source link to read full article

Say Goodbye to back fat

Back bulge around the bra area or a pesky muffin top aren't fun to deal with. But you can feel more confident in your own skin with just a little extra effort. Sure, targeting specific body parts to burn fat doesn't work, but these healthy tips can help you get the results you want faster
Thirteen exercises that can be done at home or the gym to make the dreaded bra bulge a thing of the past!
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Best 5 Triceps Exercises to Blast Arm Jiggle

Do we all agree that arm jiggle is one of the worst trouble areas ever? Especially when you can literally feel your arm still waving goodbye after your hand has stopped moving?
Check out the top five moves to target the pesky triceps area and rid yourself of arm jiggle!
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10 Exercises that burn more fat than running

the average person at an average pace burns up to 10 calories per minute while running. There are workouts that rank higher on the fitness charts, including these ten calorie burners.
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12 tips for faster metabolism and weight loss

A lean body mass will increase metabolism. It is certainly possible to delay the decline in metabolism as you grow older even though the decline is natural. Muscle volume is a determinant of metabolism that will take away fat or calories. There is no way around it that exercise is important.
Weight training at least a couple of times a week will build muscle and strength and you can fill in the gaps between workouts with lighter easier exercises. Even things like taking the dog for walks and avoiding the elevator and taking the stairs can serve over time to help increase metabolism and in turn burn calories.
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When All Else Fails, Try These 10 Belly Slimming Methods

If you've been working on getting a flat stomach or definition in your midsection, and nothing seems to work, try these 10 other belly slimming methods from Prevention.
For all the effort you've put into toning it--and for all the cupcakes you've given up to maintain it--your midsection should be as rock-hard as a diamond and just as much fun to show off.
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5 fitness secrets for flatter belly

Don't even think about sucking it in so you'll fit into those cute fitted white jeans: There are less-painful and longer-lasting ways to get the amazing middle you crave. We went straight to experts to get their very best advice for quickly shrinking your tummy.
Here are the surprising foods, tricks, and moves they swear by. Their genius tips will help you shed inches and pounds, banish the bloat, and feel even more gorgeous.
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Top 5 natural remedies against blackheads

Blackheads are just pimples that don’t have skin over them. That’s all they are. Because there’s no skin, and they’re exposed to the air, the top layer of gunk in your pores oxidizes and turns that darkish black color.
If you’re prone to blackheads, I have some good and bad news for you. The bad news is, large pores and oily skin are going to be a fact of life for you. The likelihood that you’ll be able to totally reverse either of those things is nil.
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The 5 best leg exercises

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7 Tips for losing 10 pounds in one month

This is a very realistic goal. You are losing weight quickly, but not so fast that it is unhealthy. At this rate you are losing about 2.5 pounds per week. There are a few ways to go about reaching this goal.
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10 Exercises that blast fat fast

The Ultimate Body Shaping Bible, you’ll begin to see a toned tummy in just three weeks and drop up to two inches from your belly in just four weeks. These four crunch-free moves are the best way to hit all your ab muscles, sculpting your belly into its best shape ever.
These four crunch-free moves are the best way to hit all your ab muscles, sculpting your belly into its best shape ever. Do them four times a week, with a day of rest in between. Click on source link to read full article

21 Ways to Lose ten pounds in a week

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6 Tricks On How To Get Rid of Blackheads to Have Clear Skin

To use toothpaste as an effective blackhead cleansing agent, mix a dollop of toothpaste and a pinch of salt and apply on the forehead, nose and chin.A simple yet effective remedy for removing blackheads is to..... click to find out more
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10 Tummy tightening foods

Oats with Cinnamon: Oats are a great start to your day. They will help keep you full while the cinnamon has natural thermionic properties, increasing your metabolism. Grapefruit: Grapefruit helps lower insulin levels, which promotes weight loss and a fast metabolism.Red Peppers: Peppers contain capsaicin to help you to burn that stubborn fat. click below for more
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All natural way to get super white teeth

Worldwide, billions of dollars are spend on teeth whitening products. All that money spend just to achieve a different shade. Beside teeth whitening products, there are many treatments performed in dental offices. Unfortunately, these kind of treatments don’t have only satisfactory results: teeth pain can be caused or the protective enamel can be affected.There are also natural treatments that can provide the wanted results when it comes to teeth whitening. Below you can find 3 such natural treatments. click to read more
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DIY Sinus Congestion Bath Soak

Mix the baking soda and Epsom salt together. Once it’s mixed, add in the food coloring if you’re going to complete that step. All this does is make it look colorful, otherwise it will be white. Then add 5 drops of peppermint oil and 10 drops of eucalyptus oil. Mix it all up, and put it in a jar. Now you have this ready to go when you feel congested and all around icky. Just draw a warm bath and put a couple of... click on link to see more
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How to get rid of whiteheads fast at home

Wash your face with warm water at least twice a day using a mild face wash. Because a regular ritual of washing your face helps get rid of whiteheads and prevents them from coming back. One of the most effective methods to get rid of whiteheads at home consists of steaming your face over a bowl of boiling water for 10 minutes. Because stemming opens the pores. After taking steaming, gently push the whiteheads out of the pore. But remember not to force hard it can cause scars or broken veins. You can use a clay mask. It is helpful in removing more dead skin cells. But I recommend using a thick paste of baking soda and water. Apply it all over your face, now wait for dry and after that wash your face with warm water. If you don’t want to steam your face no problem you can.... click to find out more
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14 best things to eat after a workout

Protein and carbs are the two keys to a good post-workout meal. Eggs have the former covered. At just 70 calories each, eggs pack 6.3 grams of protein and areone of the few foods that naturally contain vitamin D. For your dose of carbs, brown rice is fine, but it can’t compete with all the vitamins and nutrients found in quinoa. Instead of a Gatorade, grab a glass of OJ. In addition to vitamin C, you’ll also get significantly more potassium than you would from popular sports drinks, which are generally intended for use during extended exercise, not after. Potassium is an important electrolyte that helps the body restore its fluid levels. Orange juice also works well for protein shakes. Click to read more .....
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How to lose weight fast

Drink 16-20 ounces of water with lemon right when you get up, this will help waken your organs, and jumpstart your body. Brew a pot of tea, again add lemon if you like (lemon is fabulous for you!). Enjoy at least one 8 ounce cup in the morning. Approximately an hour before lunch have another 16-20 ounces. Don’t drink water right before eating as it messes with your digestive enzymes and can cause indigestion. Late afternoon have a hot cup of tea,.. click on link to see more
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Workout to slim down your neck and face

The chin lift exercises multiple small muscles that make up the lower portion of the face, including the hyoglossus, the mylohyoid and the platysma, the large muscle flap that extends from your chin down along the front of your throat. - Get rid of your double chin by performing focused exercises in the front of the neck area. One example of an effective exercise is to do .... click on link to see more
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How to lose weight in 7 days

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Home Remedies to Get Rid of Restless Leg Syndrome Instantly

If you are having a restless leg syndrome at night, the best thing to do is walk. It will calm your inflamed legs. Soak your legs in warm water. This will help relax your muscles to a large extent and relieve you of restless leg syndrome. If you are suffering from restless leg syndrome, apply hot and cold packs alternatively on your legs. This gives relief from stingy sensation and cures restless leg syndrome. Massaging also helps relax the muscles and gives... click on link to see more
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Effective Home Remedies to Get Rid of Stretch Marks

Take an egg and separate the yolk from the egg white. Whip it a little. Apply it over the stretch marks 2-3 times a day using a make-up brush. Wash off after 15 minutes. The protein and vitamins contained in egg white fades the stretch marks enormously. Raw Potato : Cut potato into thick slices and rub it over your stretch marks. Allow the juice to dry and then wash it off with lukewarm water. It is a natural bleaching agent that promotes restoration of skin cells; thus, aids in lightening of the stretch marks. Sugar : Mix sugar, almond oil and lemon juice in equal quantities. Apply it on .... click on link to see more
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3 easy overnight hair tricks

It’s often the undone, messy styles that take the longest to create. But not with this trick! To wake up with perfect waves, put damp hair into braids before bed. Keep in mind – the smaller the braid, the tighter the wave will be. If your hair is thick, do two braids to ensure all over texture. When you’re ready to let your braids loose, gently run your... click on link to see more
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How to get rid of facial hair with turmeric

Turmeric can be used alone or in combination with other ingredients for hair removal. Turmeric has anti bacterial property and prevents skin infections. Here are different methods for using turmeric for hair removal. Take two teaspoons of turmeric and mix it with water to make thin paste. Apply to the... click on link to see more
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